Tag: campgrounds
Winter trip brainstorming, Part I
This brainstorm was for a trip in early 2017. See Part II and Part III of the brainstorm, and read about what we actually ended up doing! Because when it’s cold outside, we spend most of our time in our tiny metal tube, so we thought it would be nice to take said tube to warmer…
Four days in Canaan Valley, WV
We visited Canaan Valley in November 2016, while full-timing in the Airstream. In the early Aughts, J and I (and Bugsy’s two dear departed predecessors) spent a lot of time in the Potomac Highlands of eastern West Virginia, hiking and biking in spectacular spots like Dolly Sods Wilderness, Seneca Rocks, and Spruce Knob – Seneca Creek Backcountry. We…
First post-Big Trip #1 trip: Three days in Damascus, VA
We first visited Damascus in August 2016. Read about our second visit in September 2023 here. After wrapping up Big Trip #1 in mid-June, we made plans to take the Airstream to a music festival in late August, so in early August we went camping for a few days to make sure everything still worked and we…
Two days in Jonesborough, TN–Big Trip #1
We visited Jonesborough in June 2016 during Big Trip #1. This was a great stop for us–fantastic camping, rewarding hiking, good beer and delicious tacos. One activity we missed was exploring historic Jonesborough, which looks quaint and lovely, but we prioritized enjoying our sweet campsite over driving more. We’ll just have to go back! Campground We stayed…
Three days in Traverse City, MI–Big Trip #1
We visited Traverse City in May 2016 during Big Trip #1. We spent Memorial Day Weekend in Traverse City, Michigan. It’s a cute, fun little town, with several distinct neighborhoods wrapped around the Grand Traverse Bay of Lake Michigan. There are lots of running options around town, good hiking nearby, and many breweries in the area! Campground We stayed…
One day in Mackinaw City, MI–Big Trip #1
We visited Mackinaw City in May 2016 during Big Trip #1. Here’s another pronunciation lesson for you, courtesy of the State of Michigan: Cross the Straits of Mackinac on the Mackinac Bridge into Mackinaw City, which is a short boat ride from Mackinac Island, and they are all said Mackinaw… even though Mackinac is much catchier,…
Two days in Sault Ste. Marie, MI–Big Trip #1
We visited Sault Ste Marie in May 2016 during Big Trip #1. After Houghton, we had a few days of play in our schedule before we were due in Traverse City, so after extensive googling and debating we decided to spend part of that time in Sault Ste. Marie. That’s pronounced “soo saint marie.” We loved our campsite–another sweet waterfront…
Three days in Houghton, MI–Big Trip #1
We visited Houghton in late May 2016, as part of Big Trip #1. Raise your hand if you can point out Michigan’s Upper Peninsula on a map. Anyone? Yeah, I couldn’t either. Michigan is often referred to as the Mitten State, because, well, look at it and you’ll see the mitten and thumb. But look closer and you’ll…
One night in Chippewa Falls, WI–Big Trip #1
We visited Chippewa Falls in May 2016 during Big Trip #1. We left South Dakota early, anxious to get to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, so drove as far as our sanity could handle and picked as our destination a nearby town we’d heard of but didn’t know anything about: Chippewa Falls, WI. Turns out that’s where…
A few clarifications…
We wrote this post while on Big Trip #1 in 2016! Based on a few questions we’ve gotten recently, it seems that I need to clarify a few things. To those of you who are commenting and asking questions, thank you! I am happy anyone is paying enough attention to our trip to have questions!…
- Airstream Living (17)
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