bugsy running on lone rock beach with the airstream and f-150 in the background

Tag: planning

  • Trip planning: Spring in the NC mountains

    Trip planning: Spring in the NC mountains

    The Airstream just came home from the shop–you may recall from the end of our last trip that we had a nonfunctioning hot water heater bypass, damage from the exploded tire, and a missing rock guard. Everything appears to be ship shape now, so it’s time for a road trip! As we started thinking about…

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  • Trip planning: Fall quickie to the mountains

    Trip planning: Fall quickie to the mountains

    Based on this planning post we ended up going to Asheville and Black Mountain in November 2023. It was a pretty good excuse for a little Airstream trip: My sister was having a big Thanksgiving gathering at her house in central NC, so obviously we should take our trailer and tack on a few days…

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  • Trip planning recommendations: DC-area to Yellowstone

    Trip planning recommendations: DC-area to Yellowstone

    Hi strangers! Long time, not much posting. We’re just coming out of the doldrums of summer here in VA, sweating and dreaming about our next big Airstream trip coming up in December. In the meantime, I wanted to write up some advice we gave a very special someone earlier this summer when she asked for…

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  • Trip planning: Five days in the WV/VA/TN mountains

    Trip planning: Five days in the WV/VA/TN mountains

    [EDIT: See end of this post to find out where we ended up going!] Our Airstream has been sadly sitting all alone since we brought it home from the repair shop after our last trip in the spring to the mountains of WV and NC. We had to get the leaky hot water heater and…

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  • Trip planning: Spring quickie to the mountains

    Trip planning: Spring quickie to the mountains

    We went on this little trip in April 2023. This post has been edited to include where we actually went! We haven’t had the Airstream out since November (despite only finishing the Big Trip #4 posts just a few weeks ago–it took us a while to write everything up!), and we’re itching to hit the…

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  • Trip planning: Tucson for Christmas

    Trip planning: Tucson for Christmas

    This will be our fourth time taking the Airstream to Tucson. Read about our first trip here, second here, and third here! And I finally wrote a Tucson Favorites post! [Update, like a year later: here’s the retrospective post for this trip!] Luuuucky us! We get to spend Christmas in Tucson with family! We’ll be…

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  • Big Trip #4 Retrospective

    Big Trip #4 Retrospective

    Big Trip #4 was in fact a BIG trip! We covered a lot of ground and had all sorts of memorable experiences, and that’s why it took me almost four months to finish writing all the trip posts. My bad. But I love writing these retrospectives a few months after we get home because it…

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  • Trip planning: Big Trip #4 – Fall in the Northern Rockies, take 2

    Trip planning: Big Trip #4 – Fall in the Northern Rockies, take 2

    This post is part of our pre-trip planning for our big trip in Fall 2022. HERE IS OUR POST-TRIP RETROSPECTIVE! As we’ve been sitting in steamy Virginia waiting for the summer crowds to leave the national parks, our fall travel plans have morphed a bit. The original plan called for J to fly to California…

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  • Trip planning: Big Trip #4 – fall in the Northern Rockies, including Canada

    Trip planning: Big Trip #4 – fall in the Northern Rockies, including Canada

    This post is part of our pre-trip planning for our big trip in Fall 2022. HERE IS OUR POST-TRIP RETROSPECTIVE! [We’ve updated the plan since this post and our route looks pretty different now!] We are freshly home from our last trip and are itching to get back out there, so we’re thrilled to be…

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  • Trip planning: Florida in January

    Trip planning: Florida in January

    Are we officially snowbirds? Wikipedia’s definition includes us: “A snowbird is a person who migrates from the colder northern parts of North America to warmer southern locales, typically during the winter… A significant portion of the snowbird community is made up of recreational vehicle users (RVers).” So then yes, we’re happily snowbirds, leaving gloomy Virginia in gloomy January for…

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