bugsy running on lone rock beach with the airstream and f-150 in the background

Where in the world is Bugsy Sandiego?

We wrote this post at the conclusion of Big Trip #1!

welcome to virginia airstream

We’re home! We arrived yesterday at our regular, oddly spacious and non-mobile home in Virginia, after stopping at my sister’s in NC to pick up our other car which she graciously car-sat while we were gone. I’ve got lots of posts to write, but left my computer charger on the Airstream, which is parked 2 hours from here, and my computer is running on fumes, so I wanted to get a quick update out while I still can.


Between Laramie, the location of my last post, and home, we stopped at the following places (and you already know this if you’ve looked at the map):

So get excited for a bunch of great posts to come… sometime… hopefully soon. 🙂


One response to “Where in the world is Bugsy Sandiego?”

  1. Paul Avatar

    Have really enjoyed your dispatches – welcome back!

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