We visited Jackson Center in June 2016 during Big Trip #1.

Jackson Center, Ohio is home to the Airstream factory, where all Airstreams are manufactured. We wanted to tour the factory and get some warranty work done, so we spent a night at the campground on the factory grounds. Camping is free while you’re having work done on your trailer, and if it’s a multi-day job, they’ll tow your trailer back out to your campsite for you each night. How’s that for taking care of your customers?

Unbeknownst to us, the factory was hosting the annual Alumapalooza festival while we were there. Without buying festival passes we were only able to walk around the field where all the Airstreams were parked and admire some older and odder trailers; we couldn’t attend any of the events. We were ok with that.

We had a few cheap beers at the bar around the corner, but otherwise there’s not much to say about Jackson Center. The only reason to go there is to go to the factory. The factory tour was fantastic! The guide walked us across the factory floor, showing us how the aluminum skins are assembled, floors and windows are attached, wiring and insulation are layered in, plumbing and air handling systems are added, furniture is cut and assembled and installed, and bedrooms and bathrooms are constructed, as the nascent Airstream moves through the factory. I wish I could share pictures with you, but taking pictures inside the factory is against the rules.

^That’s our trailer in the service bay! If you’re on the road and think you’d like to have the Airstream service department check something on your trailer, make an appointment WAY in advance. We were lucky to get squeezed in when we submitted our request three weeks ahead of time.

We enjoyed the factory tour and it was nice to have the little fixes we needed made quickly and cheaply, but I doubt we’ll return to Jackson Center.
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