bugsy running on lone rock beach with the airstream and f-150 in the background

AirstreamDog Maps

For both maps below, click the icon in the top left to open the panel where you can toggle layer visibility.

To pull together our posts full of camping and touring and destination tips, and pages with brewery experiences and opinions, we thought the best way to navigate the info on AirstreamDog would be by drilling down on a map. That way, you can target places you may be visiting on your trip and see if we can share anything useful with you. Let us know if so!

New! Another way to help plan a trip might be to see how we’ve strung destinations together into routes. This map breaks the locations featured on the map above into the separate loops we traveled.

Google Maps only allows ten layers, so I’ve limited the routes displayed to the longer/more interesting ones:

AND here’s a page detailing all those individual trip routes in one place!

Newer! I’ve updated our map of states visited in the Airstream–like you see on some RVs–to include WA and OR, which we picked up on Big Trip #4. Make your own at AMCharts! The Airstream still needs: Vermont, Delaware, Alaska (maybe someday???), and Hawaii (which won’t happen). But the humans have been to all 50 states as of September 2024, and Bugsy has been to the continental 48 as of December 2024!

states visited map