bugsy running on lone rock beach with the airstream and f-150 in the background

An AirstreamDog Poem

Shiny Metal Can was written by our friend Roger while we were away on Big Trip #1 in 2016!

airstream on the beach

Shiny Metal Can

by Roger

Life in a shiny metal can

Day to day without a plan

Explore new food, update the blog

Another picture with the dog

Or hunting microbreweries

To see how many we can see

Cooking healthy much as we can

On wee gas stove and borrowed pan

Awesome hikes with stunning views

Meet 59 park-touring two

Rivers, mesas, mountain tops

Canyons with amazing drops

Whether we run or hike a place

We always go at record pace

They welcome us at all the parks

Not always though our friend who barks 🙁

Boondocking for a couple days

Packing water, collecting rays

Storing power from the sun

So we can keep both TVs on

Chock the tires – because they’re round

Put the huge orange floor mats down

Set-up the dog fence for the night

Point the dish towards a satellite

Lower the tongue – or raise the rear

The line’s not level in my beer

Clear night skies; a million stars

Have we yet seen as many bars?

Just enough time left tonight

To go and drink another flight

Back at the trailer all tucked in

Another awesome day it’s been

Midnight cuddling drunk on ale

Hey, when did you grow that tail?

Break camp after another night

Secure the cabinets; latch them tight

Something’s smelling foul and rank

Is that the dog or holding tank?

Find an RV park or campground

Stop near the dump tank, when it’s found

Put on the faithful rubber gloves

Now for the task everyone loves

Hook-up the nasty slinky hose

Don’t get that brown stuff on the clothes

Keep the hose sloped towards the fill

As they say: “it flows downhill”

Turn the valve, and turn the face

Enjoy the tumbling dookie race

Drain the other tank and then

Get back on the road again

It’s time to put the pedal down

And make our way to the next town

Highway in the rearview mirror

Honey, hand me another beer

Three straight hours in the car

Man I’m parched; find us a bar

Leave your baggage on a shelf

Get outside and find yourself

Release the stress of social cares

Grow a beard – or armpit hair


5 responses to “An AirstreamDog Poem”

  1. Karen Avatar

    Love you. ❤️❤️

  2. Karen Avatar

    Just re read that was by Roger. It’s early. LOVE the poem.

    1. bugsy Avatar

      I wish I could take credit for it. I hope you still love me even if I didn’t write it 🙂

  3. Lynn Brown Avatar
    Lynn Brown

    Great job, Roger/Bugsy!

    1. bugsy Avatar

      I knew you would appreciate it, as a fellow poet!

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