We wrote this post while on Big Trip #1 in 2016!

Based on a few questions we’ve gotten recently, it seems that I need to clarify a few things. To those of you who are commenting and asking questions, thank you! I am happy anyone is paying enough attention to our trip to have questions!
Firstly, yes, I am quite behind in my posts. We are close to home now, in Tennessee, and will be in Virginia in less than a week. Writing up our trip details requires internet, and we’ve had a sad lack of functional wifi at campgrounds. I will get all the locations up on the blog, but not before the trip is over and we’re home with all the wifi we can handle. I have been keeping our google map updated, though, and I just added the final destination of Blowing Rock, NC to the map. We’ll be there on Tuesday to see our friends M&A. The real starting and stopping point of our trip, which is not plotted on the map, is my dear sister’s house in Burlington, NC. We’ll be there Thursday to officially wrap things up.
Secondly, no, we don’t hate people. We don’t like crowds. We enjoy chatting with other hikers and campers, even if Bugsy doesn’t (she’s not good at making friends). But when we’re going somewhere to appreciate the beauty of nature, we don’t want lots of other people around making noise and being un-naturey. That’s all.
Thirdly, we are not anti-KOA. KOAs are great! Especially if you have kids, they are (generally–they’re all different) fantastic. Lots of activities, which you pay a premium for. We don’t have kids, and therefore don’t necessarily enjoy paying that premium for amenities we’re not going to use. KOAs are usually not as scenic and peaceful as a State Park or other type of quieter, more scenery-based and less child activity-based campground, but they are consistently (in our experience) well-run and usually conveniently located.
I’ll get the trip posts up ASAP, and I have other retrospective-type posts in the works. Let me know if you have specific questions that you’d like me to address!
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