Tag: national forests
Two days in Sylva, NC
We visited Sylva in September 2018. We also visited Asheville as part of this short trip. This little foray into Western NC had two stops: Sylva, to more easily access hikes west of Asheville that would normally be out of driving range, and Asheville, for our usual eating/drinking/hiking/city adventure and fun. (We had to cancel…
Trip planning: Asheville, Nashville, Pisgah/Nantahala…
In my opinion, trip planning is almost as exciting as trip taking! We’re starting to think about our biannual Asheville Airstreaming pilgrimage, and wondering what other explorations we can cram in while we’re out and about. Right now, we’re leaning toward a few days in Nashville in our favorite parking lot campsite, a couple days…
Two days in Branson, MO–Big Bend Loop
We visited Branson in January 2018 as part of our Big Bend Loop trip. Branson wasn’t on our initial itinerary for this trip, and then the NYT’s list of 52 Places to Go in 2018 was released–and Branson’s on the list! It’s on the way from Medicine Park to St Louis, and the route from Branson…
Three days in Fayetteville, AR–Big Bend Loop
We visited Fayetteville in January 2018 as part of our Big Bend Loop trip. I was surprised at how much I liked Fayetteville, not having really known much about it going in. We had mostly considered it a base from which to do some hiking in the Ozarks, but in addition to that, from the…
Trip planning: looping out to Big Bend
This planning post was for a trip to Big Bend in January 2018. We visited Big Bend on our three-month trip two years ago and, because we were based in Ft Davis, an hour and a half from the entrance to the park, we spent just ONE DAY in the park. One measly day! We knew…
Eight days in Asheville, NC (visit #4)
We visited Asheville in October 2017. Check this link to see our many other Asheville posts! Yes, we took the Airstream to Asheville again! Are you tired of hearing about Asheville? Because I have more to say about it. I plan to do a quick overview of this eight day trip, and then a separate…
One day in Unicoi and Johnson City, TN
We visited Unicoi and Johnson City in May 2017 while full-timing in the Airstream in Virginia. We also visited Nashville on this trip. We needed a stopover to break up the drive from Nashville to Charlottesville and wanted to be able to fit in a hike, so chose to stay at Woodsmoke Campground in Unicoi,…
Five days in Asheville, NC (visit #3)
We visited Asheville in April 2017 while full-timing in the Airstream in Virginia. We’ve written a bunch of Asheville posts; see our Asheville favorites here! We love Asheville. Have I mentioned that? This was our third and longest visit yet, and it has officially become our long weekend getaway destination of choice, for the reasonable driving…
Two days in Jonesborough, TN–Big Trip #1
We visited Jonesborough in June 2016 during Big Trip #1. This was a great stop for us–fantastic camping, rewarding hiking, good beer and delicious tacos. One activity we missed was exploring historic Jonesborough, which looks quaint and lovely, but we prioritized enjoying our sweet campsite over driving more. We’ll just have to go back! Campground We stayed…
Two days in Custer, SD–Big Trip #1
We visited Custer in May 2016 during Big Trip #1. Custer is a cute little Western town with a few restaurants, a couple bars, and even a coffeeshop with wifi. It’s the closest town to Custer State Park and Mount Rushmore. We were sort of expecting Mount Rushmore to be a check-the-box kind of visit,…
- Airstream Living (17)
- Checklists (3)
- Destinations (356)
- Favorites (4)
- Overview (11)
- Trip Planning (42)