Tag: itinerary
Trip planning: Acadia National Park
This is the planning post for this trip to Acadia in May 2019. Yes, I know I haven’t finished writing about our last trip out west, four months later. But! We’re planning a short jaunt up the East Coast to Acadia National Park and are heavy in the research stage. Below is the general itinerary…
Big Trip #2 catch-up
We were on Big Trip #2 in fall of 2018. Okay, so we’ve been back home in VA for a month now and I’m still writing about Utah and Arizona. It’s fun to relive our adventures in the Western sun, sitting here in gloomy Virginia where it’s threatening to sleet later today. Maybe we should…
Trip planning: Southwest for the late fall–Big Trip #2
This planning post was for what became Big Trip #2 in late 2018. Read the trip retrospective here! We haven’t even started our next Airstream trip (leaving next week!) (possibly subbing Babcock State Park in WV for Nashville as the TN State Fair has bumped us from our preferred campground at the Fairgrounds Nashville), but…
Trip planning: Asheville, Nashville, Pisgah/Nantahala…
In my opinion, trip planning is almost as exciting as trip taking! We’re starting to think about our biannual Asheville Airstreaming pilgrimage, and wondering what other explorations we can cram in while we’re out and about. Right now, we’re leaning toward a few days in Nashville in our favorite parking lot campsite, a couple days…
Two days in Branson, MO–Big Bend Loop
We visited Branson in January 2018 as part of our Big Bend Loop trip. Branson wasn’t on our initial itinerary for this trip, and then the NYT’s list of 52 Places to Go in 2018 was released–and Branson’s on the list! It’s on the way from Medicine Park to St Louis, and the route from Branson…
Trip planning: looping out to Big Bend
This planning post was for a trip to Big Bend in January 2018. We visited Big Bend on our three-month trip two years ago and, because we were based in Ft Davis, an hour and a half from the entrance to the park, we spent just ONE DAY in the park. One measly day! We knew…
Instagram roundup to buy some time
Do you follow Bugsy on Instagram? If you do, you know that I’m once again way behind in posting trip updates. Here’s what I’m working on to catch you up on the rest of the Austin trip, plus a long weekend Airstreaming in Virginia Beach and Wilmington, NC: Austin drinking Austin exploring Lafayette, LA Mobile,…
We’re home: quick summary of our Winter Loop to Austin trip
Hello from Virginia! We returned home Friday from our 3-week loop through the Southeast to Austin. If you follow Bugsy on Instagram, you already know our general itinerary: It was a great trip and I have lots to say about it, but since I tend to be slow to get the recaps out, here are a…
Where in the world is Bugsy Sandiego?
We wrote this post at the conclusion of Big Trip #1! We’re home! We arrived yesterday at our regular, oddly spacious and non-mobile home in Virginia, after stopping at my sister’s in NC to pick up our other car which she graciously car-sat while we were gone. I’ve got lots of posts to write, but left my computer…
- Airstream Living (17)
- Checklists (3)
- Destinations (356)
- Favorites (4)
- Overview (11)
- Trip Planning (41)