Tag: biking
One night in Damascus, VA (visit #2)–Five Days in the Mountains
We visited Damascus in September 2023, as part of our Five Days in the Mountains trip. Read about our first visit in 2016 here. We couldn’t dally too long on the Nolichucky because we had a bike shuttle reservation in Damascus! Our first Airstream trip after Big Trip #1 was to Damascus, a tiny town…
One night in Fayetteville, WV (visit #4)–Five Days in the Mountains
We visited Fayetteville in September 2023, as part of our Five Days in the Mountains trip. Read about our previous visits here: Fall 2019, Spring 2021, and late Summer 2022. We spent the first night of a whirlwind Airstream tour through the mountains near home in Fayetteville, WV, home of New River Gorge National Park.…
One-and-a-half days in Palo Duro Canyon State Park, TX–Big Trip #4
We were in Palo Duro in early November 2022, as part of Big Trip #4. Did you know the second largest canyon in the US is in Texas? I assume I don’t need to say what the #1 largest is. We’ve had Palo Duro Canyon on our master map of possible camping locations for a few…
One night in Grand Rapids, MN–Big Trip #4
We were in Grand Rapids in August 2022, as part of Big Trip #4. Don’t confuse Grand Rapids, MN with Grand Rapids, MI, which we visited in 2016 while on Big Trip #1! Where to break up the drive from Duluth to Fargo? We chose Grand Rapids, based on the presence of breweries (for J)…
Florida in January: Retrospective
We were in Florida from 1/2 to 2/2/2022. It seems obvious, but: spending January in a warm place is a great idea. We weren’t sure if we’d like spending so much time in Florida, and while we didn’t love all of the Florida we saw, we did love some and would return to a few…
One night in Jekyll Island, GA–Florida in January trip
We were in Jekyll Island in February 2022 as part of our Florida in January trip. Jekyll Island is an enchanting place. It’s a former millionaires’ vacation paradise turned into a state park in 1948, and is home to miles of beaches, a resort, a cluster of “cottages” (historic vacation-home mansions of the richy rich), bike paths,…
Four nights in St Augustine, FL (visit #2)–Florida in January trip
We were in St Augustine in January 2022 as part of our Florida in January trip. Read about our first visit to St Augustine in 2020 here. Our itinerary called for three nights in Ormond Beach followed by three nights in St Augustine, but the longer we were in Ormond Beach, the more we wanted to leave…
Two days in Gainesville, FL–Florida in January trip
We were in Gainesville in January 2022 as part of our Florida in January trip. The drive from Bronson to Gainesville is under an hour, but we were slower due to a stop in Williston for new Airstream batteries to tide us over until we can replace the entire battery/converter system in April. Remember how our converter…
Three nights in Palm Harbor/Dunedin, FL–Florida in January trip
We were in Palm Harbor in January 2022 as part of our Florida in January trip. From Venice, it’s a two hour drive up to the Dunedin/Palm Harbor area, just north of Clearwater and northwest of Tampa. The shortest route includes the bonkers Skyway bridge, which was scary to pull the Airstream over on a windy…
Two nights in Venice, FL–Florida in January trip
We were in Venice in January 2022, as part of our Florida in January trip. From Fort Myers Beach we drove an hour and a half north to Venice, a seaside city with beaches, a canal (hence the name), and a cute little downtown strip. Venice seemed like an ok town–nice enough but didn’t grab…
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