bugsy running on lone rock beach with the airstream and f-150 in the background

One night in Logan, UT–Big Trip #3

We visited Logan in October 2020, as part of Big Trip #3.

view of the China Wall along the Crimson Trail in Logan Canyon

With a one-day gap between Ketchum and our next stop, Park City, we looked for a spot along the way to spend the night in the woods with easy access to a morning hike, like we had in Stanley. We found it in Logan! A gorgeous campsite, a short walk to the trailhead, a wonderful hike… perfection sandwiched between a harrowing Airstream backing-up across a highway with a blind corner on the way to the campground, and our second Airstream tire explosion on the way to Park City. I’ve already mentioned the fun we had with tire explosions. I can’t really help you avoid that, but my advice to hopefully prevent yourself from having to back up across a highway is to ensure your target campground has not closed for the season! The Closed sign wasn’t visible until after we’d already turned onto the narrow access road, and the only way out was to back up. Across a highway! Near a blind turn! It all worked out, but jeez that was stressful.

Oh, and if you’re hoping to get tips on Logan eating and drinking, sorry. All we did in Logan was camp and hike! We looked for cool stuff as we drove through and didn’t really see anything.


hanging out by the airstream at our Logan campsite
enjoying our Logan campsite

Luckily, we were able to get to the nearby Forest Service office before closing and get a camping recommendation. The only campground nearby that was a) open and b) could fit a 28′ trailer was Guinavah – Malibu Campground. We found a fantastic spot close to the river on the Guinavah side, with just a little road noise; upon exploring later it seemed the Malibu section was more private and quiet. There are no hookups at this campground.


hiking the Crimson Trail in Logan Canyon
hiking the Crimson Trail in Logan Canyon

The 5ish-mile Crimson Trail loop is accessible from the Malibu side of the campground (and from Spring Hollow Campground, our original target) and follows the Logan River before climbing up the side of the canyon, giving you beautiful mountain views (often including the road along the canyon floor). We were lucky with our timing: the fall colors were spectacular in early October. Some sections of the trail are steep, so watch your small people. Dogs are allowed on this trail as it’s a National Forest trail.

hiking the Crimson Trail in Logan Canyon

This was a super overnight stop. With the other trails in Logan Canyon it might be worth staying longer!


3 responses to “One night in Logan, UT–Big Trip #3”

  1. […] Logan, UT for national forest hiking and camping […]

  2. Uncle Jim Avatar
    Uncle Jim

    A few more miles down the road and you could have been in my hometown of Ogden… I’m sure you could have used my name and gotten lots of free stuff to drink… Many of my growing up friends would have loved to meet you guys… Of course I left town when I was 6 months old, but hell I made quite a name for myself in a short time…

    1. bugsy Avatar

      I don’t doubt that!!

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