Category: Destinations
Two nights in Asheville, NC (visit #14)–Quickie to the Mountains trip
We were in Asheville in mid-November 2023, as part of our fall quickie to the mountains trip. We also visited Black Mountain on this trip. We love Asheville, as you know if you’ve previously spent even two minutes perusing this website. We love the food, we love the beer, we love the cocktail bars, we…
Tucson Favorites
Tucson is one of our very favorite cities to visit. It’s tied to our past: J’s brother and his family lived there for twenty years until about ten years ago; and for as long as I can remember, my Uncle Jim has been in love with the Arizona desert and has made frequent pilgrimages to…
One night in Damascus, VA (visit #2)–Five Days in the Mountains
We visited Damascus in September 2023, as part of our Five Days in the Mountains trip. Read about our first visit in 2016 here. We couldn’t dally too long on the Nolichucky because we had a bike shuttle reservation in Damascus! Our first Airstream trip after Big Trip #1 was to Damascus, a tiny town…
One night in Erwin, TN (visit #2)–Five Days in the Mountains
We visited Erwin in September 2023, as part of our Five Days in the Mountains trip. Read about our first visit in late 2021 here. After a quick morning hike in the NC mountains near Blowing Rock, we busted a move to get to our next destination, Erwin, TN, in time for an afternoon rafting…
One night in Blowing Rock, NC (visit #2)–Five Days in the Mountains
We visited Blowing Rock in September 2023, as part of our Five Days in the Mountains trip. Read about our first visit way back in 2016 on Big Trip #1 here, and we also popped over from Boone in May 2021 and August 2021. As a recap, by this point in our trip we’d spent…
New River Gorge National Park
This post combines activities in the New River Gorge from visits in September 2019, in May 2021, and in September 2023. The first time we visited Fayetteville, WV, in 2019, New River Gorge National Park wasn’t yet a national park! Previously designated a National River, the 70,000 acres surrounding the New River (actually one of the…
One day in Boone, NC (visit #3)–Five Days in the Mountains
We visited Boone in September 2023, as part of our Five Days in the Mountains trip. Read about our previous visits in Spring 2021 and Summer 2021, and technically we were there in Spring 2016 too. We chose to spend night #2 of our whirlwind mountains trip in Boone. From Fayetteville, it’s about a 3:15…
One night in Fayetteville, WV (visit #4)–Five Days in the Mountains
We visited Fayetteville in September 2023, as part of our Five Days in the Mountains trip. Read about our previous visits here: Fall 2019, Spring 2021, and late Summer 2022. We spent the first night of a whirlwind Airstream tour through the mountains near home in Fayetteville, WV, home of New River Gorge National Park.…
Two nights in Asheville, NC (visit #13)–Spring in the Mountains Quickie trip
We visited Asheville in April 2023, as part of our Spring in the mountains quickie. We’ve been to Asheville too many other times to link here; see our Asheville Favorites post for a summary. This little springtime trip didn’t quite go as planned: we swapped around our first few days and landed in White Sulphur…
One night in Lewisburg, WV–Spring in the Mountains Quickie trip
We visited Lewisburg in April 2023, as part of our Spring in the mountains quickie. We left Seneca Rocks a day earlier than expected to cut a chunk from the longish drive to Asheville, the final stop on our spring Airstream trip. While hiking up to Chimney Top (where we had some cell service to…
- Airstream Living (17)
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- Destinations (356)
- Favorites (4)
- Overview (11)
- Trip Planning (41)