Category: Airstream Living
All through my formative years, my aunt and uncle had a pet tarantula. A strange choice of pet, no doubt, but Uncle Jim loves the Desert Southwest more than just about anyone else I know, so I guess it made an odd sort of sense. My first tarantula-cousin was a male named Fred who came…
Airstream Living: Organization
(That picture is from when we loaded our new Airstream for our first trip, two years ago!) This time of year, everyone is interested in organization and streamlining their homes, right? Those concepts are especially important when you live in a tiny house, and even more so when you share your tiny house with another…
AirstreamDog’s Tips For Traveling With Your Dog
We are very lucky that Bugsy is a great traveler! She’s happy as a clam sleeping on her comfy dog bed in a crate in the car, and when we leave her in the Airstream when we go out on the town, she’ll lounge on the humans’ bed and watch the campground world go by…
The Other Co-Most Valuable Winter Airstream Gadget: a space heater
A while ago I wrote about the fabulous job our excellent new dehumidifier has been doing to keep our tin can home dry all winter while we three creatures are doing a lot of indoor exhalation. Its co-MVP for Airstream winter comfort is… drumroll… a Vornado space heater! [Update: our Vornado has since conked out and been…
Co-Most Valuable Winter Airstream Gadget: our new dehumidifier
In December, I put together a list of our favorite gadgets and gizmos that make our RV life happier. One of those gadgets was our cute little dehumidifier that would sit on the kitchen counter or bedside table and merrily chug away, pulling moisture from the air. Occasionally we’d see some water on the wall or…
Happy Bugsy Day!
Two years ago today we brought home from the pound a scrawny, sickly, scared little beastie. Already an adult, she weighed two-thirds of what she does now, her coat was covered with dandruff and scars, and she was terrified of loud noises, people (except us, for some reason), dogs, bikes, skateboards, trains… basically things that moved or…
A Year with an Airstream
(Look how shiny it was when we first picked it up! It’s not that shiny today.) One year ago we had just picked up our brand new Airstream from the dealership and spent a couple days at a nearby state park outfitting the trailer and practicing camping. Since then, we’ve done several regional short trips…
RV gadgets and gizmos we love
Tis the season for buying useless crap for friends and family. If you’re shopping for anyone who enjoys hiking and/or RVing, here are some items we’ve found particularly useful or enjoyable during our travels! For Hiking Osprey Day Pack We take this pack on pretty much every hike we do while Airstreaming. We also have a…
Our next Airstream adventure is a doozy.
We full-timed in the Airstream in Crozet for six months in late 2016-early 2017. The Airstream is settled back home in Virginia for the foreseeable future, except for brief jaunts here and there: three days in Southwestern VA, a four-day music festival, and next week, a few days of hiking in WV. But a couple weeks ago we started a different kind…
We’re home. Now what?
We wrote this post after returning home from Big Trip #1. We made it home to Virginia with mixed feelings: we were disappointed our big adventure had finished (for now), but we were happy to get back to our friends and our relatively incredibly spacious non-wheeled home. We have a couple Airstream trips planned for this summer,…
- Airstream Living (17)
- Checklists (3)
- Destinations (356)
- Favorites (4)
- Overview (11)
- Trip Planning (41)