bugsy running on lone rock beach with the airstream and f-150 in the background

AirstreamDog trip maps

Ahoy! With travel paused for the foreseeable future due to Covid-19, I’m spending my trip-dreaming time cleaning up old posts and better organizing the blog. One item on my AirstreamDog wishlist has been adding layers to our AirstreamDog Places map breaking out the itineraries for each of our bigger multi-destination trips. I think it’s helpful when trip planning to see how locations can be strung together into routes. I hit the upper limit on layer count (ten, surprised it’s so low) on that map so created a new maps dedicated to trip routes!

Each color represents a separate trip. Click the top left icon in the map toolbar to see the list of map layers and toggle them on and off if you’d like to focus on a single loop.

Now you (ok, probably just me) can use the original AirstreamDog Places map to see campgrounds, hikes, and breweries (and they all link to their respective posts or pages), and the new AirstreamDog Routes map to see how we combined destinations into trips. Both maps live on the AirstreamDog Maps page!

Let me know if it would be useful to see anything else on the maps!



One response to “AirstreamDog trip maps”

  1. Uncle Jim Avatar
    Uncle Jim

    Ok. I have now studied this little ditty for about 20 hours (lot of spare time here). Somewhat more interactive than my AAA trip-Tiks. Very well done I must say. However it also brings to mind that my very lovely niece has way too much time on her hands. Perhaps she should go pay some special attention to hubby, or take bugsy on a looong walk. I really did find this very interesting. Maybe you could show me how to do one for my Az trips. No wait, I keep going to the same place so forget that idea. Stay safe you three.

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