bugsy running on lone rock beach with the airstream and f-150 in the background

About Us

Bugsy and the Rio Grande

Hello! We are two humans and one dog traveling the US in our Airstream, a 2016 International 27FB! We’ve been on many short trips ranging from 3 days to 2 weeks, and longer trips of a month, six weeks, two months, and just over three months. See all our destinations and trip routes on our maps page. We also lived in the Airstream at a lovely campground in Virginia for six months. We’ve learned a lot about Airstream living, and especially Airstream living with a crazy dog, and we hope the stories of our adventures can help others with trip planning. And we’re still learning, every trip!

Questions about traveling with your dog? Contact us at airstreamdog at gmail dot com!

Learn more about Bugsy here. Although maybe that site tells more about the humans than the dog…

And to learn even more about Bugsy, read her interview in Canine Journal!

Bugsy’s on Instagram! Follow her at @airstreamdog

Thanks for reading Airstream Dog!

Dog favicon graphic by Freepik from Flaticon is licensed under CC BY 3.0. Made with Logo Maker


8 responses to “About Us”

  1. Joe Pelzel Avatar
    Joe Pelzel

    Hey Guys .. first off, thank you for your blog .. we just picked up our new International Signature a couple months ago and have been getting all of our necessities together for the spring time .. cannot wait hit the road ! Your tips have been invaluable as well as travelling w/ a pet .. so THANK YOU so much for all that .. especially winterizing my rig and the checklists have been awesome.

    Quick question .. how do you guys optimize your storage space .. the Signature is not the king of storage .. was wondering how you organize your “overhead” bins to take full advantage of the space we have .. trying to figure out hot to store dishes, cups, etc .. have read about locker dividers, but thought that I’d pick your brain as well ..

    Also wondering how you keep you gas and water cans upright in the bed of your truck ..just hate to have 10-20 gallons of liquid all over the bed because I didnt tie them down well enough !!

    thanks again for all the info ..we truly enjoy watching your adventures
    Happy Holidays for Kansas

    1. bugsy Avatar

      Hi Joe! Congrats on your new Airstream! We’re so glad the blog has been helpful as you’re prepping! The organizational question is a biggie and it makes me want to write a post so I can really get into it. 🙂 I’ll have that up soon. As for the cans in the truck bed, we use ratchet tie-down straps (like these: https://www.amazon.com/Premium-Ratchet-Tie-Down-Alternative/dp/B014AG5LXK/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1515019546&sr=8-5&keywords=truck+tie+down+straps) that make it easy to get a tight hold, and rectangular water cans (like these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000MTI0GA/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1) (we also like those cans because the built-in spout makes it SO much easier to get the water into the trailer–we had a terrible time before we got those using a funnel) that will sit tight together. We don’t carry gas cans with us. Where are you heading in the spring?

  2. Brons2 Avatar

    Can you publish some thoughts on your tow vehicle? Are you happy with it, how well does it go up hills, what’s the mileage like, etc? Have Ecoboost 3.5 or 2.7?

    1. bugsy Avatar

      Yes! We recently upgraded our tow vehicle and love it. We went from Ford F-150 to Ford F-150 🙂 hoping we had a lemon the first time around… tbd. This one is a Ecoboost 3.5, no problems pulling over mountains, towing is easy with this thing, up any hill we’ve encountered. Mileage is sad, as expected, like 7-10 mpg. We got the 36-gal gas tank on the new truck, which has been a HUGE upgrade for us and we’d recommend. Also–be sure to install the fuses needed to charge the trailer via the plug–apparently that’s not done by default, even with the tow package. After dealing with that on truck #1, we just realized we need to do it on truck #2.

  3. Traci Monroe Avatar

    Hi! So sorry that we missed the time to get to know y’all! Safe journeys. Let us know when you’re back in NC or near Floyd!

  4. Amy Avatar

    This is an amazing site with invaluable information. Are you still posting, and is Bugsy still with you?
    My husband and I have finally retired from self employment and bought an Airstream after many months of research and wondering where to start. We have 5+ year and 4 mo. English Bulldogs who are the love of our lives and the reason we decided to get the Airstream instead of travelling out of the country…..not to mention the call of the wild right in our own back yard.
    Would love to have any advice on travelling with pups and hope that you are continuing to post. Will look forward to reading all of the posts already on line.

    1. bugsy Avatar

      Hi Amy! Congrats on your retirement and Airstream!!! So exciting! We’re still posting when we take the Airstream out, which is several times a year. Bugsy is still going strong and loving the Airstream life–it’s the best way to travel with dogs! Thanks so much for your comment and happy travels!!

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